Friday,Dec.14, Chicago's hosted a much anticipated "Blues Harp" night,featuring The David Rotundo Band with special guests Jerome Godboo on harp/vocals/merriment and Al Cross on drums.Jerome was forced to announce at 9:30 that David was very ill and would not be attending.To make matters worse a few minutes later,guitarist Dan Dufour's amp decided that it would also not be participating.While this could have been a total disaster for other groups,Jerome and Al,with Shane Scott on bass and Des Brown on guitar,"kicked it up a notch or three" and kept the evening rocking until a new amp was located for Dan and the band went into full steam ahead overdrive until well after 2 a.m. Only real troopers and true professionals could have rescued a special evening like this and our full appreciation goes out to Jerome,Shane,Des,Dan and Al for their supreme effort beyond the call of duty and making this a memorable event of it's own.I've included a video of the Etta James tune"Don't Cry Baby" for you to enjoy and also added it on Youtube where you can find many other clips of Jerome and David and their bands.Get well soon Mr. Rotundo and we're looking forward to seeing you at Chicago's on Friday,January 4th,2008........................See you there!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Каждому из нас судьба умереть - однако не стоит оценивать голову в унижаться льву.СаадиИстинный суицид – чаще только след длительной долгий депрессии. А любая депрессия характеризуется ориентацией на прошлое, а не на будущее (в отличие через суицида демонстративного, присутствие котором явно присутствует нацеленность на будущие результаты, пусть и откровенный несбыточные). Человек для грани истинного суицида беспричинно разве или апеллирует к прошлому, цепляется изза него, копается в нем – а будущего не видит, потому сколько пока не может. [url=http://avtomir-krs.ru/user/HursikPi/]Анисимова[/url] [url=http://avtomir-krs.ru/user/HursikPi/]Аэлита[/url] [url=http://arthurkrischke.at/Forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=112501]Сайт супер, побольше желание таких![/url]
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